This week marked the first full run of our HYBRID CLASS format: the most seamless blending possible between students attending live on premises and remotely by Zoom conference! We very deliberately mixed Zoom and in-person performers for booth exercises and between students directing one another, all recorded and played back live in studio… and the results went beyond our wildest expectations! ‘Traxers CAITLIN PHILLIPS, HAROLD SOGARD, PHIL HINDS and CHAD JOHNSON joined us in Sausalito, while CAIT ESTRADA, PATTI GRIBOW and ILANA MAGILL attended from home:

“As a member of the zoom era of Voicetrax, I felt ecstatic to be a part of the new hybrid format! The demo-class was exactly what I have come to expect of Voicetrax – amazing! There was no problem interacting as a team during a dialogue, or during the student directing sessions. A+ job Chuck, Vicki and Roni! I can’t wait to be a part of the future hybrid classes!” – Cait Estrada

“My thoughts are very positive about the hybrid set up. It was energetic and fun… Thank you so much for this!” – Phil Hinds

“Yesterday was sooooo much fun. Thanks so much for including me. The combo class is really cool!” – Patti Gribow

“Holy homecoming Batman! What a great feeling stepping into class with people! The moment of stepping up to the mic! In the booth! And looking through the glass to hear you say…. ‘You are rolling.’

And then… applause, live and in person! Bravo for live performance, Harold, Caitlin and Phil! And bravo as well for Patti, Ilana and Cait, our compatriots on Zoom!” – Chad Johnson

And thanks to you seven for helping us prove the concept! Keep an eye here and on your email for updates as we roll this hybrid format out in future classes…



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