It’s WILL READ FOR FOOD WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! But first, we’re obliged to get some “You know we love you…” out of the way (sorry!):
First, deadlines are meaningless unless we mean it. There were strong performances knocked out of contention for missing the submission deadline. Second, mind the details – if you’re instructed to label in order of appearance, that’s how it needs to be or you might not even get heard. Third, you’re Voicetrax students and you’re not slating? C’mon guys! We didn’t think we needed to spell THAT out.
NOW, onto the finalists! We had some really good performances; the only problem was, none of the best ones seemed to be paired together. But the good ones were strong enough we felt that this ONE OCCASION justified a TEMPORARY suspension of judging based on ensemble performance, which is why we’re presenting an edit featuring two individual winners! Congratulations to these finalists for “VO”: KEITH HOUSTON, FAYE JAIME, JIM MCKENZIE, and TOM SAWYER; and to these finalists for “ANNCR”: RHIANNON BROGAN, JOHN GERATY, and CORY SCOTT!
Hear the winners in the following video…