

In celebration of our 35th Anniversary!

This special, 35th-Anniversary discount is running through the end of this year...

With 20% off all beginning classes, there has never been a better time for you to chase your voice acting dreams!


FINDING YOUR VOICE: An exciting, interactive online Introduction To The World Of Voice-Over presented by Voicetrax Founder, Samantha Paris!

It’s not your imagination. You really are hearing voices in your head! They are everywhere around you in the form of radio and television commercials, documentaries, cartoons, video games, audiobooks, apps, interactive phone prompts, museum audio tours and product tutorials! And guess what? People just like you earn their living recording these!

Presented by Voicetrax Founder Samantha Paris, this introductory lecture will illuminate how to get started, what it takes to be a successful voice actor, and the financial realities of voice-over. But this isn’t purely some academic exercise! Finding Your Voice is a unique interactive experience where participants will be given the option to participate in exercises that explore various types of voice acting, and for those really ready to jump in, you’ll get the opportunity to record your very first commercial!

Due to the popularity and limited space, participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. So please register in advance! Cost is $40 discounted 20% off the regular price of $50! For more information, contact us or enroll now.

You can also see our full line of classes here.

THE BEGINNING SEMINAR is where the journey of your lifetime starts…

With a summer discount of 20% off the regular price, there’s never been a better time to take the Beginning Seminar!  Launch into a weekend packed full of information, performance exercises and FUN! You’ll explore basic voice acting fundamentals including detailed acting choices, script interpretation, microphone technique, monologues, dialogues, improv and video game characters – including playback and feedback of recorded performances, making this class a unique experience in online training choices.

Get ready to jump in from the very beginning experimenting with partner improv exercises and audience participation guessing games that revolve around making specific acting choices. By the end of the weekend, you’ll have a solid understanding of the voice acting craft, and an awareness of the particular skills and techniques you’ll need to succeed in the current marketplace, and perhaps even a different perspective of who you are and what stories and characters you can create!

Due to the popularity and limited space, participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The 20% discount applies for both the September and November Beginning Seminars, down to $280 from the regular price of $350. For more information, contact us or enroll now.

You can also see our full line of classes here.

The next steps in your training, following the Beginning Seminar:

Creating Characters

Whether or not you think you “do characters”, we’re here to tell you that you DO! Why? Because you’ve been six years old, when playing wasn’t about pretending to be a character, but about being the character, letting go and using your imagination. And with that mindset, you can learn to do anything, even characters. This daring duo will share their insights, tricks and techniques that have led to their remarkable success in the character genre.

Gain an enhanced understanding of the character creation process and realize just how freeing and exhilarating it is as an adult to simply let go and play. After this weekend, you will possess an increased confidence in your ability to invent colorful and memorable, yet realistic characters. With Chuck and Brian’s expertise and encouragement, get ready to unleash the characters that live within you that you never knew existed.

Due to the popularity and limited space, participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The 20% discount brings the price to $296 from the regular price of $370. For more information, contact us or enroll now.

You can also see our full line of classes here.

Introduction To Narration

We live in a world where communication is way beyond the written word. Companies brand their innovative products through videos, employers train their employees through videos, medical professionals learn about new treatments through videos and on and on and on. And what do all those videos around the world need? You guessed it… narrators!

The different genres of narration are endless including audio tours, audio books, tutorials, medical narration, television shows and documentary narration amongst many others. During this class, you’ll explore some of those narration styles and techniques as you work with a wide variety of copy including the always growing field of narration for the populous tech companies. Learn not only the technical elements of narration, but also how to engage the listener and weave an engaging story that takes your audience along for the ride, without overpowering the visuals. You’ll acquire a clear perspective on the storytelling skills required to deliver strong, connected, narration performances.

Due to the popularity and limited space, participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The 20% discount brings the price to $296 from the regular price of $370. For more information, contact us or enroll now.

You can also see our full line of classes here.

Simply Acting

This class could just as easily be called “Introduction to Script Analysis”. Frank teaches the fundamental acting techniques he’s learned and used successfully for decades on-camera and on the stage, both as an actor and director, including breaking down the script into beats and assigning intentions, developing your character’s back story and asking yourself what happened right before the script starts.

These script analysis skills are a critical and mandatory expertise that every actor whether it be voice-over, on stage or on-camera absolutely needs to book the job. Through participation in theater games and improv exercises you’ll increase your comfort level, gain confidence in your performance ability and learn to make bold choices that will bring your acting to life. You’ll also spend time learning how to apply these fundamental acting concepts to performing commercial voice-over copy.

Due to the popularity and limited space, participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The 20% discount brings the price to $304 from the regular price of $380. For more information, contact us or enroll now.

You can also see our full line of classes here.

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