Behold the power of determination and positive visualization, all here in one picture! You may remember seeing #VoicetraxSF Fearless Leader Samantha laid flat out in bed with two breaks in her left ankle, finishing up your dots – but do you recall when? TWO SCANT MONTHS AGO! And now, a full MONTH ahead of rehab schedule, she’s not only giving you this highly respectable flex, she’s actually walking around on that ankle just as you see it. How did she do it? By staying focused and determined. By being goal-oriented. By visualizing her mentor-by-proxy, the very RAFA NADAL from our last post on Monday, and channeling his grit and unstoppable force. We’re not kidding, it’s an approach that literally got Sam back up on her feet 30% faster than prognosed! So just imagine what having a role model like hers could do for your career…



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