Lori Alan

From the obstetrician’s first slap on her blushing newborn bottom, LORI ALAN has been talking non-stop, showing the kind of star quality to book her television debut in a Shakey’s Pizza commercial at all of five years old!  Maybe that wasn’t the best way to find out about her wheat allergy, but it sent her off to the races and she hasn’t looked back.  It probably didn’t hurt that her parents are also such VO/Actor folk that if Lori had come home and said, “Mom & Dad, I wanna be a doctor or a lawyer”, they would’ve said, “That’s crazy and irresponsible!  You need tap dance, clown skills and juggling as backups!”  After graduating with honors from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and cutting her teeth on the comedy circuit as a longtime member of New York’s Gotham City Improv/Groundlings East, Lori went on to a busy on-camera career and award-winning voice work: “Pearl Krabs” on Spongebob, “Diane Simmons” on Family Guy, and a raft of roles in Pixar features including “Bonnie’s mom” in Toy Story 3 and Toy Story 4, “Mother’s Sadness” in Inside Out and on and on!  A first-place winner in two categories of the First Annual Voice Arts Awards, actor/writer/producer/coach/demo producer Lori Alan knows The Craft, and students have a blast learning it from her!

Website: www.lorialan.com

“A Few Minutes With Lori Alan…”


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