From the WILDLY SUCCESSFUL DEBUT CLASS files: we all know that dreaded “conversational” spec – the one you come across over and over and OVER AGAIN in auditions. Isn’t it great when you have a breezy new Guest Director who’s made an entire career of that very thing in LA? Who can show you not only how to attack that direction, but also how to work a TON of variety into it? And isn’t it best of all when your sides are sore from laughing NON-STOP after taking such a class? That’s what Freshly Minted Guest Director SCOTT PARKIN brought from LA to “Invitational Fifty Shades of Real” this weekend! And it looks like Scott had a ball too!
“ ’Wow’… that’s the only way I can think to start this letter off. Wow what an incredible experience to work with Voicetrax students this weekend. A passionate, brave and talented group. Such a wonderfully tight knit community as well. Everybody roots for each other and jumps at the chance to help. I found it incredibly refreshing and awesome to work in that environment. We went at it hard and covered so many aspects of my curriculum and they answered every challenge. Everyone seemed to stretch into areas they hadn’t been and that is just the coolest thing for a teacher to be a part of. Thank you so very much. I will do that anytime there is a slot for me ”
– Scott Parkin