DATELINE SAUSALITO: THE FIRST “FINDING THE BUNNY” AUDIOBOOK CLASS! What an amazing Saturday and Sunday it was! A fantastic mix of traditions and firsts – traditions as in Samantha’s never ending quest for voice acting excellence and of course Pizza thrown in for good measure. And “firsts” as in Sunday brunch lovingly prepared by Graziano and the students, followed by Walla/ADR training that culminated into wonderful performances to be folded into the up coming “Finding The Bunny” audio book! Check out this particular scene we recorded for the book. Does it look familiar? You know, a ground-breaking audio book needs ground-breaking performances and that’s exactly what Samantha got all weekend. It was incredibly stirring watching the students give their heartfelt 100%-all for the project… Thanks to everyone who participated, and we can’t wait to work with the next group in May! A few pictures to follow in our next post!