Date(s) - 08/26/2024
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Director: Vicki Baum
Length: 18-hour six-week workshop (for the price of five weeks!)
Class Notes: None
This workshop is prepared to take your narration skills up a notch or two or maybe even three (it is six weeks after all) while still telling a great story. And since narration is one of the dominant genres in the voice-over industry with opportunities multiplying year after year, this class is a perfect vehicle to transform you into a narrator to be reckoned with. By further honing your visualization techniques, script analysis, self-direction and acting choices, you’ll learn to deliver the more authentic and conversational reads that are in demand. You’ll span several genres including audio tour, industrial tech, tutorial and medical narration that are so prevalent in today’s narration market.
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