From the “NEVER Stop Growing” Files: after all his amazing accomplishments in games and animation, and after all his brilliance as an instructor, anybody who’s known Guest Director BRIAN SOMMER or had him in class might have wondered where he possibly had left to go. But no matter how impressive and far-reaching his laurels, Brian has never been one to rest on them. So that’s why he decided to bo…ne up and take a class with Natanya Rose from DPN – the top voice-over agency in the country! That one thing led to quite another, as Brian tells it in a thank you note to Samantha:
“On May 2, 2002, some cop walked in the door of your amazing magic factory and tried his hand at voice over. Thank god you, and the other talented instructors were there to tell me what the hell I was doing wrong! Your support, kindness, and professionalism have always been present and appreciated.
It is for that reason that I wanted you to be one of the first to know, I have signed with DPN Animation. Natanya gave me the good news this morning. I am thrilled, excited, humbled, honored, and well aware that it is now time to swim with the big sharks!
With all my heart, THANK YOU, Sam. This has been something I have been working toward for many years.
– Brian”